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Can I Use Pond Liner as a Weed Barrier?

Can I Use Pond Liner as a Weed Barrier?

Asked By: Lenny from Portsmouth, NH

A: Pond liner is essential to your pond build, but it will not stop weeds from sprouting on the pond’s bottom like weed control fabric in a garden.

A pond liner forms a waterproof barrier between your pond and the surrounding earth, preventing the water from seeping into the ground. However, as a pond matures, detritus and sediment accumulate on top of the liner.

Aquatic seeds take root in this nutrient-rich layer and grow into pesky pond plants without needing access to the earth below the pond liner. Even if you prevent this build-up through manual cleaning, many pond weeds can still thrive in a pond by absorbing nutrients from the water without needing soil.

So, how do you prevent aquatic weeds from emerging in your pond or lake? Pond dye, beneficial bacteria, aeration, and aquatic herbicides are effective pond and lake weed control options that you can use to keep your pond clean and clear.

Ask Us About Weed Control

Every pond is unique, so contact us today at 866-POND-HELP for a personalized weed management plan suited to your situation.

Read more pond weed prevention and control tips in these in-depth guides:

How to Get Rid of Lake Weeds and Muck

Do Pond Weeds Stop Growing in Winter?

Aquatic Weed Treatment Options

Last Updated: January 21, 2025