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A friend suggested I use pond dye. I'm nervous because we swim in the pond. Is it safe, and which one do I use?
ASKED BY: Wayne of Camden, NC
Ask Our Pond Experts

A friend suggested I use pond dye. I'm nervous because we swim in the pond. Is it safe, and which one do I use?

Asked By: Wayne of Camden, NC

A: You have a wise friend! Pond Dye can provide some important benefits to your pond. It helps to shade the water from the sun's rays, and create a dramatic, aesthetic appeal in your landscape.

Safe and Non-Staining
If you're concerned about the dye coloring your skin when you swim, don't worry: After 24 hours of being applied to the pond, the dye will not stain. The concentrated form, however, is a different story. It will turn your hands colors, so be sure to wear gloves and work clothes when adding dye to your pond.

Once mixed with the water in your pond, pond dye is completely safe for agriculture and irrigation purposes. Immediately after treatment, you can use your pond for recreation, fishing and other activities. It's safe for swimming ponds, as well as watering horses, livestock, birds, pets, fish and wildlife.

Color Choices Aplenty
Pond dye color is really a matter of personal preference, but different shades are better suited to different situations. When selecting one, first consider your environment and what looks natural in your surroundings. Then ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have a decorative pond or lake? Try Nature's Blue dye or The Pond Guy PondShade Pond Dye– our customers' favorite choice. It's the ideal color for large ponds that double as a view as it contrasts perfectly with lush green landscaping. Folks in the Great Lakes area may feel more at home with a natural blue color.
  • Do you prefer a more natural look? Try Twilight Blue dye. It maintains a neutral blackish-blue tint that shades and protects your pond without making drastic changes to its natural coloring.
  • Do you want to showcase your landscape? Consider using Black DyeMond dye. It creates a mirrored surface that reflects surrounding trees and natural rocky landscapes, making it perfect for natural ponds in wooded areas.

Application Process
Adding dye to your pond or lake is easy. Every four to six weeks (or as needed depending on rainfall and evaporation), simply pour the concentrated Pond Dye into the water in several spots along the pond's edge, or drop the easy-to-use water-soluble Pond Dye Packets in the water. Easy peasy!

If you notice your pond is full of suspended debris, you may want to try Pond Dye Plus. It contains both dye and the beneficial bacteria that's found in PondClear, so it will both shade your pond and help clear the water.

Last Updated: August 14, 2024