Water Lily


Water Lilies have floating leaves that grow up to 10 inches, are split to the stem at the center, and are often purple underneath. Flowers are large, showy, and usually white (but sometimes pink or yellow). Water Lily flowers can remain open from morning until shortly after midday. Often planted as an ornamental, Water Lilies reproduce by rootstocks and seeds. Water Lilies prefer to grow in quiet water, less than six feet deep.

Mechanical Control

Water Lilies can be cut or the rhizomes can be dug up. It will be difficult to control this way because it will regrow from seeds and remaining rhizomes.

Chemical Control

There are several options to control Water Lilies in ponds. If you are not sure what treatment is right for your pond? Click here to view our product selection guide or choose from some of our most popular chemicals:

  1. Use a season long herbicide such as Airmax WipeOut. One treatment treats the entire body of water for Water Lilies and many other common pond weeds for the season.
  2. Use systemic herbicides, such as Shoreline Defense, will work to kill the root of the plant.
  3. Broad spectrum contact herbicides, such as Ultra PondWeed Defense, will quickly kill any part of the plant it touches but multiple treatments may be needed throughout the season.

Chemical Application Best Practices

Anytime you use chemicals treat weeds and algae, please keep in mind the following:

  • Treat your pond in sections. Treat only half the pond's surface at a time. During hot weather or when treating heavy growth, it is important to treat no more than 1/4 of your pond at a time and wait the full 14 days before re-applying. This helps lower the risk of fish loss during hot weather or when treating heavy growth.
  • Once the weeds have browned & died, use a weed cutter & rake to remove as much dead material as possible. This prevents an accumulation of dead plant material and muck.
  • Take a proactive approach to pond management. Use PondClear, MuckAway and Pond Dye to keep your pond looking great. For more information, see our article on the Airmax Ecosystem.

Ask an Expert

If you are unable to identify your pond weed(s) using our Weed ID Guide, follow this article to email us a photo.